About Us

Our Story

In 1974, a group of young people set out to do something radical in Dothan, Alabama… plant a church. Inspired by the Jesus Movement, they began meeting in homes, focusing on how to live church out biblically. Within a year of planting, DCF began to experience significant growth, with people moving to the city just to be a part of what was happening. Eventually DCF merged with another fellowship, Dothan Covenant Church forming the congregation we know today.

Throughout the 1980’s, DCF connected with various international leaders who helped build into the foundations a deep sense of community, an openness to the Holy Spirit, and a mandate to reach the nations, without losing focus on the local body of Christ.

In early 2010, through DCF’s relationship with NCMI, David and Karen Hale stepped into the role of Lead Elders/Pastors. David & Karen have brought over 20 years of leadership experience, a heart for authentic relationships, and an intentionality in creating space for God’s people to walk into all the fullness He has for them. Building upon a rich heritage and history, God is continually doing new things here at DCF.

Our Mission

We transform lives

Transformation is our bottom line.
We long to see people moved from "informed" to "transformed" by the Gospel.

by encountering

We believe in experiencing God’s love, not just knowing it exists. It’s about letting that love in and allowing it to change you. Our love grows as we discover more of who He is.


It’s not about what we can do for God, it’s living by what God has already done for His people. Jesus died on the cross so that we could live a life empowered and set apart by Grace.

and the Holy Spirit

We believe the Holy Spirit is the comforter, guide, and the One who leads us into all truth. He is our step into authentic relationship with the Lord.

What We Believe

Next Steps


Visit Us

Come be apart of what God is doing at DCF.

Meet Our Leaders

Come and meet the Elders and Deacons of DCF.

Community Groups

A Place To Grow

Journey Groups are a great way to meet new friends, grow in your relationship with God and make a difference in people’s lives.

Grace Teams

Express Your Gifts

God created you with unique gifts and skills and passions that He has “graced” you with. You can be fulfilled and change lives by expressing these gifts in a Grace Team.