Our Leaders

Through the course of history, the church has adopted numerous titles and positions to define church leadership.  However, the Bible only speaks of two…elders and deacons.  The word “elder” is used interchangeably with overseer and shepherd (or pastor) and describes the same office/person.  Elders are the highest human authority within a local church and they are responsible for leading and governing the church (setting direction, establishing doctrine, exercising discipline) as they faithfully follow Jesus Christ – the Head of the Church.  Even though the husband is ordained as the elder, we believe both the husband and his wife are called into this expression of church leadership together.  As the need arises, elders appoint deacons to assist them in leading the church.


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David & Karen Hale - Lead Elders

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David & Callie Woodham - Elders


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Gaye Lynn Morgan

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Jerimie & Jennifer Revell

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Mark & Suzette Williams

Next Steps


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